Overgenomen van Quora.com/ “How do I use the masses of the 2 up quarks and the one down quark to calculate the rest mass of a proton?”
Een antwoord op deze vraag werd gegeven door Stephen Selipsky , ex-particle theorist (Stanford Ph.D., research at CERN, BU, Yale) als volgt gegeven:
Note that the proton or neutron (“nucleon”) masses are within a few percent of the isospin-conserving limit of zero light quark masses; the actual values of “current quark” masses account for only about 1% of the total nucleon mass. Actually, the dominant parameter is the energy scale of QCD, or equivalently the value of the dimensionless QCD coupling constant measured at a given interaction energy.
For a “flavor” of what all this involves, see reviews like
review quark model, section 15.6 and figure below, which comes from https://arxiv.org/pdf/1203.1204.pdf ;
There are even programming toolboxes for putting it all together, like washington.edu, week 3
Edit: it’s not that hard to “calculate” the proton mass analytically within a factor of two or so. Consider the measured strong coupling constant at the Z pole energy, αs(E=91.2 GeV)=0.118 . Theory tells us that the virtual gluon charges bubbling in the vacuum are pushed out a little by a color charge (while virtual quark charges are polarized in but less so), making them anti-screen the color charge of a bare quark, so the coupling constant will be stronger at lower energies = larger distances. The coupling will keep growing at those lower energies until it becomes strong and confines quarks at energy scales below around ΛQCD≈250 MeV (so distances around ℏc/ΛQCD=0.8−1.0 fm ), see https://pdg.lbl.gov/2020/reviews/rpp2020-rev-qcd.pdf , Figure 9.3 and running coupling coefficients for running below the charm mass.
So three quarks in a bound state making up a proton must be confined inside 1.0 fm radius. The uncertainty principle (or the Dirac wave equation in a bag) says each quark with position uncertainty below 1.0 fm must have momentum spread above ℏ/1 fm=200 MeV/c ; with p/c much bigger than 5−10 MeV/c2 current masses, each quark’s kinetic energy is relativistic E≈pc . The kinetic energy of three quarks adds up to about 600 MeV; the strong force field energy necessary to confine them must give 33% to 90% more energy, as you can confirm with an easy variational calculation E(R confine)=A/R+BR3(+CR2 if you want to get fancy with bag wall energy). So the proton mass must be around 1000 MeV/c^2 based only on measured strength of the QCD interaction plus simple theoretical arguments. If you want to be more accurate, you need to work a lot harder (non-perturbatively) as discussed in the main answer.